Anne Baxter (May 7, 1923 – December 12, 1985) was an American actress, star of Hollywood films, Broadway productions, and television series. She won an Academy Award and a Golden Globe, and was nominated for an Emmy. Granddaughter of Frank Lloyd Wright, Baxter studied acting with Maria Ouspenskaya and had some stage experience before making her film debut in 20 Mule Team (1940). She became a contract player of 20th Century Fox and was loaned out to RKO Pictures for a role in Orson Welles' The Magnificent Ambersons (1942), one of her earlier films. In 1947, she won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role as Sophie MacDonald in The Razor's Edge (1946). In 1951, she received an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress for the title role in All About Eve (1950). She worked with several of Hollywood's greatest directors, including Alfred Hitchcock in I Confess (1953), Fritz Lang in The Blue Gardenia (1953), and Cecil B. DeMille in The Ten Commandments (1956).
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Person - Rebecca,Suspicion,Letter from an Unknown Woman,Ivanhoe
Actor - Mrs. Miniver, Goodbye, Mr. Chips, Random Harvest, Madame Curie
Actor - Spartacus, Howl's Moving Castle, Guys and Dolls, The Big Country
Actor - His Girl Friday, Auntie Mame, Gypsy, The Trouble with Angels
Actor - The Loretta Young Show, The Stranger, The Bishop's Wife, Come to the Stable
Actor - Penny Serenade, The Awful Truth, Love Affair, My Favorite Wife
Actor - The Best Years of Our Lives, The Thin Man, The Great Ziegfeld, Mr. Blandings…
Actor - Laura, The Ghost and Mrs. MuirLeave Her to Heaven, Heaven Can Wait
Actor - It Happened One Night, Since You Went, Drums Along the Mohawk, The Palm Beac…
Actor - To Be or Not to Be, My Man Godfrey, Made for Each Other, Nothing Sacred
Person - The King and I, From Here to Eternity, Black Narcissus, The Innocents
Actor - Citizen Kane
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Displaying 3 of 3 Audience Relationships
Mystery | 1941 | Budget $839K | Box Office $23M Orson Welles, Joseph Cotten, Ruth Warrick
Comedy | 1974 | Budget $2.8M | Box Office $86M Gene Wilder, Peter Boyle, Cloris Leachman
Comedy | 1952 | Budget $2.5M | Box Office $7.2M Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, Donald O'Connor
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